Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 6 - a different kind of JOY!

I am really tired tonight - have been dragging all afternoon

 - so here's mostly just a copy of my facebook update:

How crazy is that? 

Was JUST sitting down to finish preparing my message for tomorrow's service when I grabbed a gum, chewed on it for a few seconds and - whoops - one of my molars broke off (it had a big filling) 

 - no warning... nothing!

Maybe I'm meant to fast completely?! 

Already haven't been eating much ~ 

and I am not even half way through my trip.... 

By the way, the message I feel to give tomorrow is mostly around a parable - 
comparing us with a pencil 
(thanks Elizabeth!)

One of the points of the message is that in life, we will undergo painful sharpenings, 
which will only make us better.

 I was just going to write down this verse in James 1, 2-4 when I felt something in my mouth that wasn't right:

Dear brothers and sisters,
when troubles come your way
consider it an opportunity for great joy.
For you know that if your faith is tested,
your endurance has a chance to grow..
So let it grow...


On another note, I spent a good part of the day today with the group of

Orphans kNOw More-kids

who are preparing for the upcoming ministry/fundraising trip to Europe.
I couldn't believe HOW MUCH the dances that the kids are preparing remind me of Tahitian dances! 


I almost found myself transported back 20 years
(when we took a team of Tahitians to Europe)

It's gonna be amazing! 

It was hard not to say anything about the trip to the kids 
(12 of them, ages 9-17), 

especially when one of the girls asked me at the end: 

"When am I going to see you again?"

I just said, "I'm sure we'll see each other again!"

She wasn't so sure at all - mentioning that she doesn't even have email...
 All going well, she's gonna see me again in Germany in August, but  shhhhhh...

The kids don't know yet that they'll be going to Europe - the leaders didn't want to tell them until May or so, otherwise they'd be way too excited to concentrate on their school work. 
(good thing they're neither on fb nor reading my blog!)

So today, they just thought that this "Mzungu vista" (white visitor) was watching their practice.

And I was thoroughly enjoying it!!!

By the way, I was told by the leader that one of the youth had a vision or dream in December that he was going to take a plane... (and almost left his bag behind)

Isn't that amazing?
I guess God himself gave the secret away... kind-of 
(the boy still doesn't know he'll actually be taking a plane, 
and when time comes, I'm sure he'll be extra-careful not to forget his bag...)

God must've had fun with that one - can just see the smile on his face!

Anyways, would appreciate your prayers about this tooth thing, 

also that I would sleep well (still waking up way too early)

and then be God's toothless mouthpiece tomorrow as I preach.


I really need HIS help and anointing to bring "fresh bread" to the hungry people!
So far, he's been really faithful every time I've had to share without much prep time.
So I'm leaning strongly on HIM.

Will have to go see a dentist asap.
Seems there's a good one in Kampala
(thanks Danielle!)

Just a hassle - a "trouble" that I will do my best to consider as

an opportunity for GREAT JOY!!!

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